
CASE OVERVIEW Amino company provides Pay Tv and Digital signage solutions. Update of the branding: develop the brand to make it more modern by adding new font and colors. These new elements also allow to highlight information.Design of the entire new website. Collaboration and management of the junior designer team. INVOLVEMENT Website UI design Figma

Enez Du

CASE OVERVIEW Final school project.Enez du (L’ile noire or black island) is a take away restaurant in paris for Breton food. Creation of brand identity.Design of the website (desktop and mobile version), communication assets (poster and loyalty cards) and packaging. INVOLVEMENT Branding UI – Desktop and mobile Print and packaging Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator and…


CASE OVERVIEW Creation of branding for different subjects such as spa, interior designer, restaurant, running, etc. INVOLVEMENT Branding Fictive and real projects Élément de liste #3